Are there benefits using rectangular concrete tanks over round tanks?

**Please note Versatile Tanks DO NOT repair water tanks**

It must be remembered why anyone uses round tanks in the first place. A round tank is really just a cylinder holding the water.

Water exerts pressure equally in all directions when placed in a cylinder, round water vessels can be constructed very cheaply using the minimum thickness of materials. The old advantage of round tanks was, round tanks can be transported to a site and quickly set up, that is now old news.

Our concrete rectangular and square tanks are built in a sealed seamless mould in our factory and transported to site legally, anytime of the day, anywhere in Australian states and with ease. This convenience was the only quality of a round tank and this lends no particular advantage where production is concerned. The most obvious negative to a round tank is they are space intensive. A round tank in a rectangular room means there is going to be a lot of wasted space in that room in the corners that the tank does not cover. Another drawback is the fact that a round tank has no difference in length or width; therefore water circulation can only occur in a circular motion. Debris remains in the centre of the tank. Excavation is less with a rectangular a tank and less need to disturb unnecessary virgin earth therefore less likely to have hydraulic issues, ie tanks popping out of the ground due to inadequate ballast.

Rectangular Water Tank

Rectangular water tanks are modular, fit snuggly in most yards, Majority of yards rectangular or square in shape. The versatility of a square or rectangular vault enables you to adapt the modules to uses such as underground wine cellars, cold storage facilities. Small spaced does not mean small water storage.

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