How do concrete tanks compare to other water storage options?

**Please note Versatile Tanks DO NOT repair water tanks**

Choosing a water storage tank needs careful thought and planning. It’s an item that will be installed and in position for many years and as well as the design and size, the material it’s constructed from will affect durability, cleanliness of the water, how effective it is to be sited, where is convenient and how straightforward it is to maintain.

The one construction material that overcomes all the issues related to storing water is concrete. Here’s a comparison to the alternatives, the problems and why concrete is preferable.


Plastic is a commonly used material for storing water. It’s also used for storing just about every other liquid and this is one of the main dangers. Many people buy them used to try to save money but have no idea about what was stored in them previously. Whether it was foodstuff or chemicals, it’s easy to try to mask the past use and sell it for use with water – even if thoroughly cleaned first. The problem is that plastic can soak up a very small amount of any liquid content and then when water is added, it will be released back again. This can taint the taste of the water – in the safest scenario – or make it dangerous to drink in a more extreme situation.

Even when purchased from new the plastic can make the water taste odd and even if a food grade storage tank is installed, the very nature of the plastic means it’s not particularly durable. The tanks will crack and warp in heat or very cold temperatures and it’s too easy for UV rays to penetrate the walls and cause algae to grow. Whilst at the cheaper end of the budget scale, the lifespan of any plastic container is very short.

Concrete tanks don’t have any of these issues. Delivered straight from a controlled environment factory, the lack of chemicals in the mix means there is never a danger of the water being polluted. The thick walls and lid stop the sun shining into the contents and even the highest temperatures of a bush fire don’t crack or break them as they are melt- and burn-proof. The super strength concrete used means that they have an almost indefinite lifespan.


Tanks manufactured from wood are perhaps the most aesthetically pleasing choice but really aren’t suitable for the purpose of storing water safely. Only suitable for above ground use, the wood is affected by the sun and rain and even if treated can be vulnerable to termites and unwanted pests. They also take up room when sited above ground and this can be a problem for those with a small yard.

Concrete tanks are perfect for placing out of sight and underground and so ensure the maximum garden space remains. They aren’t subject to being attacked by vermin, even when buried and their construction ensures that the water is kept cool and safe rather than being heated and cooled with changes in the weather.


Popular for both commercial and domestic use, metal is durable – but only to a point. After a period of time, corrosion will set in that will affect the quality of the water and as any metal tank will be made from a number of pieces, leaks will start to appear as joints wear. There are also concerns with older tanks that are made from lead that they pollute the water and in turn make it poisonous to drink.

Again, metal tanks are for overground use and aren’t very attractive. Concrete ones are tucked away neatly under a patio or driveway and there’s no problem with corrosion and as they are constructed in one seamless piece, they won’t split in the way one made from metal can.


The issues with stone tanks are that metals in the geological form of the material can leach into the water, the stonework requires maintenance and there is a likelihood of bacterial presence and algae growth. Stone tanks can contain mercury and cadmium and there are studies that show they can slowly dissolve into the contents and cause health issues.

Because concrete tanks don’t have added metals to their original mix, this is never a problem for the future wellbeing of those using the water. They are also quick and easy to maintain and as long as this is scheduled as part of the usual home maintenance work, they will be as good as new for a lifetime.

Every indication then points to one answer; concrete water tanks. It can be used in any environment, be faced with any extreme of temperature and be useable for the years ahead. The material is environmentally friendly as there’s no need to replace it on a regular basis and the lack of chemicals mean it won’t affect the taste of the water. Strong, easy to site and easy to maintain, concrete storage tanks always outshine other options and time after time are proven to be hygienic, dependable and fit for purpose.

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