What to do if Your Concrete Water Tank Leaks

**Please note Versatile Tanks DO NOT repair water tanks**

Got a leak in your water tank? That really is the last thing you want, isn’t it? But first things first: don’t panic; believe us when we say it really won’t take long to sort it out.

Your water tank, once installed, will stay in position for years to come. Which is exactly why it’s important to see to any leaks as soon as you spot an issue. After all, everything from the tank’s size and design will affect its durability, as well as how effective it is at doing its job.

The good news is, if yours is a concrete water tank, there will rarely be a problem when it comes to the water – and the wellbeing of those using it. Stone tanks, meanwhile, contain mercury and cadmium, with studies revealing that these can cause health issues by slowly dissolving the tank’s contents.

Swift and simple to maintain, concrete water tanks can be seen to along with the rest of your home maintenance work. And if looked after properly, your concrete tank should see you through a lifetime of use. Not bad at all, really.

How to prevent a concrete water tank leak?

Everyone knows prevention can often be much better than the cure, so if you’re reading this and your water tank hasn’t yet leaked, make sure you take note of our advice.

An entire community can be affected if water leaks out of storage structures like a concrete water tank, which is why you need to act fast if something’s amiss. On top of this, a leak can mean environmental damage and, if left untreated, it can prove time-consuming and costly to put right.

The fact is, most concrete eventually cracks and this can be a result of shrinkage, seismic activity, curing and settling. If yours is cracked, it can quickly lead to leakage and contamination, so here are just a few ways to waterproof your tank in terms of prevention.

  • Consider a liquid membrane, which can be rolled or trowelled on or even applied by spray. This will then simply dry to create a protective rubbery wall coating
  • Asphalt sheet membranes or barriers with self-adhering qualities are an option to think about
  • Mix cementitious products with water and apply with a brush for an extra durable water tank.

If it’s too late, what should you do?

If your waterproofing methods haven’t quite done the trick, the only thing left to do is call in the experts.

We can visit you quickly to repair cracked and weeping water main holding tanks to ensure the absolute minimum in terms of disruption for yourself and your community.

When a tank supplements the main drinking water supply to a home or business, it’s absolutely vital that it’s sorted out – and fast. So, what can we do?

Undertaking repairs to ensure the issue gets sorted as soon as possible, we can drain and prep the tank, before repairing and relining it. Of course, we also carry out mandatory water testing to ensure it’s suitable to drink. And the best bit? Once we’ve made the repairs, the water quality in the tank from this point onwards will be of the highest standard, with no further leakage to boot.

Why choose Versatile Tanks for your concrete tank water leak?

Here at Versatile Tanks, we know everything there is to know about repairing leaks. Using specialised cement-based products to fill in cracks, seeps and holes, we’ll sort the problem in no time. Here are just three reasons to choose us:

  • We offer a cost-effective service
  • Our team is efficient (and fast!) and will give you the assurance you’re looking for
  • We’ll spot any future issues, as well as repair existing ones.

Performed from inside the tank, the remedial work is dealt with quickly and efficiently; we do this work from inside the tank to protect the water tank’s skeleton when it comes to additional damage.

Resurfacing the inside of your tank to provide a waterproof barrier, we ensure that rainwater (which is slightly acidic) doesn’t affect how porous the structure becomes. You really don’t want your concrete tank to become porous, after all, as in doing so water can seep inside it and cause damage.

From commercial to domestic water tanks, we really do know our stuff when it comes to remedying the issue and giving you the assurance you’re looking for.

What’s more, the word ‘Versatile’ really is in our name for a reason. It’s absolutely key to what we do here. Our tanks are different sizes and shapes and, as such, have more uses than a standard tank.

Known for their longevity, our concrete tanks should see you through a lifetime. Want to know more? Make sure you get in touch with our team.

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