How to Store Rainwater Effectively

**Please note Versatile Tanks DO NOT repair water tanks**

When the heavens open, everyone runs for cover to stay dry. It’s the perfect time though to be mindful of the precious resource that is falling from the sky and to have a rainwater collection system in place. Whilst you are watching droplets running down the windows and keeping warm inside, gathering and then storing rainwater is helping the environment as well as having a supply of water to be used in the dry season.

Once the rainwater has been captured though, there’s a need to store it. The method should mean it stays free of harmful bacteria, doesn’t escape through a leaking container, is durable enough to last for decades and isn’t infested by unwanted insects.

The solution is to use a large storage tank and whilst there are a wide range of options on the market, many are not suitable for keeping the water for any period of time.

The environmental importance of storing rainwater

Harvesting rainwater helps the environment in more ways than many are aware;

  • The more stored rainwater is used, the less water is needed to be pumped around by the local city or town. This means there are fewer carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere as not as much energy is being used
  • Collecting rainwater means there isn’t as much runoff into the sewer system during a storm. Flash flooding is less likely and in turn there’s a reduced incidence of raw sewage being discharged.
  • There are no added chemicals or treatments in rainwater; this makes it better for the soil when used in gardening
  • Collecting rainwater means that reservoirs, streams and rivers don’t need to drain and dry

The benefits of storing rainwater

Storing rainwater means that even in a drought situation there is an alternative supply readily available. If there are municipal restrictions in place, rainwater is the solution.

Many don’t feel they have the knowledge or expertise to use a rainwater harvesting system but it really is straightforward to have one installed and is then easy to use and to maintain.

How to store rainwater

Storing rainwater isn’t difficult; it’s about having the best system in place that can collect the water and to then hold it for as long as it’s needed. What is vital is that the storage tank keeps the water hygienic, bug-free, that there’s no harmful metals leaching into it and there’s no chance that an unexpected leak will occur and all the good work goes to waste.

For those considering large stores of water; because of a rural location perhaps or the danger of a forest fire, the thought of having huge tanks overground may be off-putting. Losing parts of a garden or a view from a window being blocked because of a tank could put the benefits in the shade a little but with underground tanks being very popular, this solves the issue. An underground storage tank is permanently in place, doing the job it’s designed for and other than remembering to maintain every now and again, it’s out of mind.

Rainwater can be stored in a tank made from any one of a range of materials; plastic, stone, metal or wood. None of these are completely suitable though and the answer is to use one engineered from concrete.

Why concrete is the best material for a storage tank

A concrete tank is the ideal way to store rainwater. Constructed in one seamless piece from poured concrete and left to cure to ensure water can’t seep out, it means that there can be no cracks or leaks. Tanks that are constructed in a way that they need to be joined together have joints and bolts that can split, bulge and corrode and this means that water can become tainted or simply flow away.

With concrete being a chemical-free formula, it means that there are no harmful metal traces that can slowly dissolve into the water as can happen with stone tanks. Hygiene is also hugely improved as the thickness of the tank means that the water temperature is low and reduces the possibility of harmful bacteria being present. With no sunlight being able to enter the tank, harmful UV rays are blocked; this stops algae growing.

A concrete tank is also perfect for anyone putting a plan in place to tackle bush fires. They are melt- and burn-resistant so the water will always stay in the tank and the vessel itself won’t suffer damage from the heat.

Concrete tanks are very easy to clean. They can be pressure washed when empty and don’t require any kind of special chemicals that in other tanks could leave a residue. Insects and termites can’t burrow in because of the super strength concrete used; a huge benefit over using tanks that are constructed for other materials – wood in particular.

With climate change increasingly affecting everyone year on year, it’s now crucial to take personal responsibility to gather natural resources wherever possible. It’s impossible to predict the weather and the worry of drought is a very real one for many living around Australia so installing a concrete tank to store rainwater is a long term solution to give peace of mind that should there be a shortage then there is a supply ready and waiting to be utilised.